Registered Status & Data Protection
Our Status
Government Portfolio Advisors is regulated by the SEC. Our CRD # is 170384 and we file updated disclosures (“ADV”) as required under the SEC oversight regulations. In addition, we have Tonkin Torp LLP as our compliance consultants.
- Registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940
- Oregon Company
- Certified Women Owned Enterprise in Oregon and Washington
- Notice Filings in Oregon, Washington, California, Nevada, and New Mexico
- Federally registered with the SEC to do business in all 50 states
Your Protection
Government Portfolio Advisors has established significant measures to provide a safe financial environment for our clients. As a Registered Investment Advisor, we do not have access to your funds or possess the ability to direct the movement of any funds or securities. As a non-discretionary advisory client of GPA, the direction of security deliveries out of your account or the acceptance of security deliveries into your account, must be at your direction.
Government Portfolio Advisors maintains required insurance policies to meet each client’s specific insurance requirements. Insurance coverage includes:
- General Liability
- Workers Compensation
- Professional Errors and Omissions
We recognize that your trust and confidence in our services dependent on the confidentiality of the information that you share with us as your advisor.
Data Protection
Government Portfolio Advisors understands the extreme importance of protecting your data from loss or corruption. GPA has established procedures for the operational backup of data which is documented in our Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Plan. Our Data Protection policy will help block unauthorized access to your information and established the following safeguards:
- Firewalls at all perimeters
- Secure website
- Encryption of backups
- Encryption of all laptop computers
- Centrally managed antivirus
- Securely implemented Active Directory structure and polices
GPA maintains redundant onsite and offsite cloud storage of all data and our disaster recovery process is internally audited and tested annually.