1 Mo 5.49   |   2 Mo 5.51   |   3 Mo 5.38   |   4 Mo 5.36   |   6 Mo 5.18   |   1 Yr 4.79   |   2 Yr 4.36   |   3 Yr 4.20   |   5 Yr 4.06   |   7 Yr 4.10   |   10 Yr 4.20   |   20 Yr 4.53   |   30 Years 4.45   |  

Source: US Dept. of Treasury End of Day

Market Updates

Weekly Economic Update: March 1st, 2021

• The yield curve continued to steepen over the week as the two-year Treasury note increased by two basis points to 0.12% while the five-year note increased by 15 basis points to 0.73%.

• All three major indexes finished the week lower on rate fears as yields on longer bonds continued their climb upward.

• The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan was passed to the Senate for approval over the weekend and is expected to take effect by mid-March.

• Chair Powell reaffirmed the Federal Reserve’s intention to meet its inflation and employment goals stating there is no interest in adopting any preemptive rate-hiking strategy to combat inflation.

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