1 Mo 5.49   |   2 Mo 5.51   |   3 Mo 5.38   |   4 Mo 5.36   |   6 Mo 5.18   |   1 Yr 4.79   |   2 Yr 4.36   |   3 Yr 4.20   |   5 Yr 4.06   |   7 Yr 4.10   |   10 Yr 4.20   |   20 Yr 4.53   |   30 Years 4.45   |  

Source: US Dept. of Treasury End of Day

Market Updates

Weekly Economic Update: December 21st, 2020

• Bond yields traded flat during the week as the five-year Treasury note increased by a basis point to 0.38% while the two-year note slipped by a basis point to 0.12%.

• Congress reached an agreement Sunday on a $900 billion relief bill that will provide aid to small businesses as well as extend federal unemployment benefits for 11 weeks to millions of laid-off workers.

• New unemployment claims rose to a three-month high of 885 thousand marking the fourth time claims have increased out of the last five weeks.

• Retails sales dipped 1.1% in November registering as the weakest reading in nearly seven months, the contraction was accompanied by a downward revision of October’s retail sales that adjusted an increase of 0.3% to a decrease of 0.1%.

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